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Thursday, August 30, 2012

WTH! Married Pastor Spreads HIV Among Congregation?

WTH! Married Pastor Spreads HIV Among Congregation?:
Pastor Craig Lamar Davis (pictured) of Atlanta’s Full Gospel Baptist Church was arrested on July 22 for reckless conduct, when police investigators discovered that he has HIV and had allegedly been indulging in unprotected sex with several of his congregation members, reports WVIG.  Now one of his congregation victims have come forward with her story.
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Thus far, two women have pressed charges against the married preacher. One of the victims, Ronita McAfee, told police officials that she met the pastor on Facebook and began communicating with him.  The online relationship soon progressed into sexual romps at the pastor’s home.  McAfee says a few months in to the affair, Davis revealed that one of his former girlfriends had tested positive for HIV. The seemingly concerned preacher allegedly advised McAfee that the virus would not kill her if she tested positive and even went as far as to suggest some drugs that she could take to avoid infection.
Say what?
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McAfee knew something was fishy about her relationship with Davis when the house where they would meet for their trysts was foreclosed.  He also kept refusing to get tested for HIV at her urging, which was a red flag to her that he knew of his status.
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While McAfee luckily tested negative for the HIV virus, she decided to report Davis to the police and a warrant was put out for his arrest — McAfee actually made history as the first person to file charges against someone for HIV reckless behavior in Georgia’s Clayton County.
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When McAfee tried to file charges against Davis in Fulton County, she stumbled upon a complaint from another congregation member who had also fallen prey to Davis’ charismatic ways.  The woman, who has not been identified, held a leadership role at Davis’ church.  The woman shared with McAfee that she was HIV-positive after being celibate for 15 years.
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The unnamed woman was reportedly removed from the church when she confided in Bishop Steven Hall, who heads Full Gospel Baptist Church, about her situation.  Pastor Davis was also removed from the ministry as well.
Following a church service, Davis was arrested in a Wendy’s parking lot.  Bail was denied at first but then it was granted and ironically posted by Davis’ wife, Jan.
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Meanwhile, McAfee went on a church blog site to warn anyone who has come in sexual contact with Pastor Davis of his alleged HIV status.
Investigators suspect that there are more of Davis’ victims who are HIV-posiive but who have not come forward.

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